Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Whale of a Tale...

We woke up this morning at the Monterey Bay Dock to the unmistakable bark of the neighborhood sea lion. After a morning run (1st Mate) and morning cigar (Captain B), we were ready to head south to Morrow Bay. It was one hull of a foggy morning, but that didn't drown out our excitement at witnessing the majestic shoreline around Big Sur. Around noon the sky completely cleared and then it was all about WHALES! Pods of them! We actually had to keep a steady watch for the last few hours so that we did not run into their paths. Once we entered Morro Bay, we docked and jumped in the kayak to explore this serene little community of working fishermen and tourists.
Monterey Bay wake up alarm 
rounding Big Sur
Aye, Matey! Is that a clearing in the fog ahead???
Why yes, Captain. It is! It is!
Morro Rock. I swear it looks like a giant sea lion head.
Rounding the rock into Morro Bay
Let's explore...
...I mean, why knot?
And look what Captain B found- The Taffy Palace. 97 Flavors. Notice he has a bucket in hand. 

All's swell that ends swell.
 Why don't algae ever have sex?   Because they have planktonic relationships.

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